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Munsell chroma accent accord respect to account admire adore advantage advantageousness affective meaning agreeableness apotheosize appraisal appraise appreciate apprize arrangement ascribe importance to assay assess assessment atmosphere auspiciousness avail balance barometer bearing behalf behoof beneficialness benefit benevolence benignity brightness brushwork calculate caliber calibrate caliper call canon care for charge check check a parameter cherish chroma chromatic color chromaticity class cock cogency color color quality colorimetric quality coloring composition compute concern concernment connotation consequence consequentiality consideration convenience conversion factor cool color cost criterion dead band dearness defer to degree deify denotation desert design dial divide draftsmanship drift effect emphasis entertain respect for essence esteem estimate evaluate exalt excellence expedience expense extension extraordinary worth face face value fair-trade fairness fathom favor favorableness figure fineness first-rateness force form an estimate gate gauge gist give an appreciation goodliness goodness grace graduate graduated scale grammatical meaning great price great value grouping guess healthiness helpfulness hero-worship high order high rank hold in esteem hold in reverence honor hue hydrant idea idolize impact implication import importance intension interest invaluableness kindness lexical meaning lightness line literal meaning look up to make an estimation make much of mark market value materiality meaning measure mensurate merit mete meter model moment net worth neutral color niceness norm note overtone pace painterliness par value parameter paramountcy pattern pennyworth percentage perspective pertinence petcock pith pleasantness plumb point practical consequence precedence preciousness preeminence price pricelessness primacy priority prize probe profit profitableness proportional band purity purport quality quantify quantity quantize quote a price range of meaning rank rate rate highly reading readout real meaning reckon reference referent regard relation relevance respect revere reverence rewardingness rule saturation scale scope self-importance semantic cluster semantic field sense service set at set point set store by shading shadow significance signification significatum signifie size size up skillfulness sound soundness span span of meaning spigot spirit standard stature step stopcock stress structural meaning substance sum sum and substance superiority supremacy survey


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